End of the office Voivode of Transylvania
the barons did not find compromise candidate succeed king louis ii perished in battle of mohács in 1526. first voivode, john szapolyai proclaimed king group of nobles, opposing party elected own king, ferdinand i, scion of habsburg family, end of year. baron istván dobó of ruszka, last voivode appointed king of hungary (1553–1559) king john accepted ottoman suzerainty in 1529, in treaty of nagyvárad of 1538 conceded right of habsburgs succeed him after death. @ point voivodes, stephen majláth , emeric balassa, decided separate transylvania kingdom in order save province ottoman invasion. although other leading transylvanian noblemen joined them, king john overcame rebellion in weeks. following john s death, ottoman troops occupied central parts of kingdom of hungary in 1541. sultan suleiman permitted king s widow, queen isabella, retain territories east of river tisza (tisa), including transylvania, in name of infant son, john sigismund. george martinuzzi, bishop of várad, started reor...