2007 List of private contractor deaths in Iraq

^ http://intelfiles.egoplex.com/amcits-killed-in-iraq-afghanistan.pdf
^ Молдавский самолет Ан-26 разбился в Ираке 9 января. Жертвами катастрофы стали 34 человека, включая пятерых членов экипажа - граждан Молдавии

Пилоты разбившегося в Ираке Ан-26 будут опознаны с помощью анализа ДНК // РИА Новости от 22 января 2007
^ john m. broder, james risen. contractor deaths in iraq soar record // new york times , may 19, 2007
^ hrvatski državljanin Željko both poginuo u iraku . retrieved 18 september 2017. 
^ statement u.s. ambassador iraq zalmay khalilzad on blackwater helicopter incident january 24, 2007
^ mary flood. houston lawsuit blames halliburton, kbr in iraq death // houston chronicle , february 6, 2009
^ david ivanovich. contractor deaths 17 percent in iraq in 2007 // houston chronicle , february 10, 2008
^ 4 british soldiers, kuwaiti interpreter killed in ambush in southern iraq – international news | news of world | middle east news | europe news . foxnews.com. 2007-04-05. retrieved 2009-02-03. 
^ http://www.arabicnews.com/ansub/daily/day/070416/2007041607.html
^ patterson, michael robert. michael wayne butler, colonel, united states air force . www.arlingtoncemetery.net. retrieved 18 september 2017. 
^ 2 australian men killed , injured in iraq when vehicle blown outside baghdad... deaths take 6 number of australian private contractors killed in iraq

roadside blast kills australians in iraq // sydney morning herald 16th june 2007
^ sa contractor killed in iraq . retrieved 18 september 2017. 


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