Ships Kuznetsov-class aircraft carrier

1 ships

1.1 hull 1 – admiral kuznetsov
1.2 hull 2 – liaoning
1.3 hull 3 – type 001a


admiral kuznetsov underway in 2012

liaoning in hong kong in 2017

china s type 001a ship after launching

hull 1 – admiral kuznetsov

admiral of fleet of soviet union kuznetsov designed neva design bureau, st. petersburg, , built @ nikolayev south shipyard (chernomorskoye shipyard) in ukrainian ssr. launched in 1985, commissioned in 1990, , became operational in 1995. vessel briefly sequentially named riga, leonid brezhnev, , tbilisi. during winter of 1995–1996 admiral kuznetsov deployed mediterranean sea mark 300th anniversary of russian navy. in autumn of 2000, admiral kuznetsov went sea recovery , salvage operations submarine kursk. during winter of 2007–2008, admiral kuznetsov again deployed mediterranean. admiral kuznetsov deployed mediterranean during winter of 2016-2017.

although technical , financial problems have limited operations, admiral kuznetsov expected remain in service until approximately 2025.

hull 2 – liaoning

the second hull of kuznetsov class took more roundabout route active service. known first riga , varyag, laid down nikolayev south shipyard in 1985 , launched in 1988. varyag had not yet been commissioned when soviet union dissolved in 1991, , ship left deteriorate in elements. in 1998, hull sold ukraine apparently chinese travel agency ostensible use floating hotel , casino. after eventful journey under tow, arrived in china in february 2002 , berthed @ dalian naval shipyard, overhauled , completed china s first aircraft carrier.

in september 2012, ship commissioned in chinese navy liaoning. 27-year period between laying down , commissioning protracted construction period aircraft carrier, longer 18-year period ins vikrant. liaoning named after province shipyard located, , chinese ship class type 001. today, serves training carrier , home port qingdao.

hull 3 – type 001a

the second chinese aircraft carrier constructed according modified design, known type 001a. satellite imagery , photos have revealed differences original kuznetsov-class design, reflecting on 30 years of technological development since first ship in class laid down. ship laid down in 2013 @ dalian naval shipyard , launched on 26 april 2017. expected embark on sea trials in 2019.


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