Life and career George Hamilton (politician)

as private town developer, hamilton s record mixed; literally created town, tried shape benefit private fortunes. market ploy, successful petition crown return 1 of original 2-acre (8,100 m) squares, , eventual disputes on ownership of gore indicate manipulative efforts. same, left enduring marks on urban landscape; court-house square, haymarket, gore , , basic street plan of city core.

hamilton represented riding of wentworth in legislative assembly of upper canada 1821 1830, tended support moderate reformers , encourage immigration canada. helped set canal link hamilton harbour lake ontario , worked secure funding court house , jail.

hamilton died on february 20, 1836. body buried @ family burial plot on family s own farm. part of mountain side park. monument (tombstone) @ hamilton cemetery wasn t put there until 1894. (george hamilton s body not buried @ hamilton cemetery).

hamilton 1 of handful of important canadians recognized colony s special needs , possibilities @ date.


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