Imprints Red Wheel/Weiser/Conari

1 imprints

1.1 weiser books
1.2 red wheel
1.3 conari books
1.4 turning stone press
1.5 disinformation books
1.6 career press
1.7 new page books

weiser books

this main imprint oldest. founded samuel weiser, inc. in 1956, time when few other publishers willing tackle occult subjects, , offshoot of new york city retailer, weiser antiquarian books. imprint publishes backlist , continues acquire books on occultism, astrology, esoteric subjects, eastern religions, wicca , related topics.

red wheel

red wheel founded in 2000 imprint spiritually oriented or occult self-help , how-to books, , @ time company name changed samuel weiser, inc. redwheel/weiser, several other variations being commonly seen, including weiser, inc.

conari books

this imprint acquired in 2002. before this, conari books had been separate publisher, based in berkeley, california, dating 1989. imprint focuses on books view sociology , parenting issues through spiritual or new age perspective.

turning stone press

turning stone founded in 2012. self-publishing imprint in collaboration hampton roads publishing company , hierophant publishing.

disinformation books

disinformation books founded in 1997 publishing division of disinformation. acquired red wheel/weiser in 2012.

career press

career press founded in 1985 ron fry , focused on business books. red wheel/weiser acquired career press in 2017.

new page books

new page books founded in 1999 general nonfiction imprint of career press.


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