Viral inclusion bodies Inclusion bodies

canine distemper virus cytoplasmic inclusion body (blood smear, wright s stain)

examples of viral inclusion bodies in animals are

intracytoplasmic eosinophilic (acidophilic)-

negri bodies in rabies
guarnieri bodies in vaccinia, variola
paschen bodies in variola or small pox
bollinger bodies in fowlpox
henderson-patterson bodies in molluscum contagiosum

intranuclear eosinophilic (acidophilic)-

cowdry type in herpes simplex virus , varicella zoster virus
torres bodies in yellow fever
cowdry type b in polio , adenovirus

intranuclear basophilic-

cowdry type b in adenovirus
owl s eye appearance in cytomegalovirus

both intranuclear , intracytoplasmic-

warthin–finkeldey bodies in measles

examples of viral inclusion bodies in plants include aggregations of virus particles (like cucumber mosaic virus) , aggregations of viral proteins (like cylindrical inclusions of potyviruses). depending on plant , plant virus family these inclusions can found in epidermal cells, mesophyll cells, , stomatal cells when plant tissue stained.


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