Diurnal enuresis Enuresis

1 diurnal enuresis

1.1 overactive bladder
1.2 infrequent voiding
1.3 other causes

diurnal enuresis

daytime incontinence not associated urinary infection or anatomic abnormalities less common nighttime incontinence , tends disappear earlier nighttime versions. 1 possible cause of daytime incontinence overactive bladder. many children daytime incontinence have abnormal voiding habits, common being infrequent voiding. form of incontinence occurs more in girls in boys.

an overactive bladder

muscles surrounding urethra (the tube takes urine away bladder) have job of keeping passage closed, preventing urine passing out of body. if bladder contracts , without warning, muscles surrounding urethra may not able keep urine passing. happens consequence of urinary tract infection , more common in girls.

infrequent voiding

infrequent voiding

infrequent voiding refers child s voluntarily holding of urine prolonged intervals. example, child may not want use toilets @ school or may not want interrupt enjoyable activities, or ignores body s signal of full bladder. in these cases, bladder can overfill , leak urine. additionally, these children develop urinary tract infections (utis), leading irritable or overactive bladder.

other causes

some of same factors contribute nighttime incontinence may act infrequent voiding produce daytime incontinence. these factors include small bladder capacity, constipation , food containing caffeine, chocolate or artificial coloring.

sometimes overly strenuous toilet training may make child unable relax sphincter , pelvic floor empty bladder. retaining urine (incomplete emptying) sets stage urinary tract infections.


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