Toxicant examples leading to ecological death Ecological death
1 toxicant examples leading ecological death
1.1 ddt
1.2 diazinon
1.3 pentachlorophenol
1.4 copper
toxicant examples leading ecological death
an effect caused ddt shell thinning in bird eggs, leading death of chick. once ddt has been accumulated adult bird, metabolized form dde both stable , toxic. once in form of dde, chemical impacts metabolism of calcium in adult female birds’ shell glands, causing decrease in eggshell thickness. @ high concentrations of ddt, eggshells no longer able support incubating parents’ weight , lead death of unborn chick. example of physiological , biochemical sublethal effects leading ecological death of chick.
an effect caused diazinon decrease in response predator cues in chinook salmon (oncorhynchus tshawytscha). diazinon, organopesticide, exposed juvenile chinook salmon 2 hours @ 1 , 10 μg/l, , these concentrations enough eliminate behavioral responses of fish predator chemical cues. if fish cannot recognize predator nearby, eaten. example of behavioral sublethal effect leading ecological death.
an effect caused pentachlorophenol decrease in response predator attacks in guppies (poecilia reticula). pentachlorophenol exposed juvenile guppies @ 500 , 700 μg/l, , both concentrations decreased guppies’ reactions predators. predators did not have strike frequently, did not have pursue frequently, or have pursue guppies long guppies had not been exposed these levels of pentachlorophenol. guppies exposed chemical more eaten due slower responses. example of behavioral sublethal effect leads ecological death.
an effect caused copper impacting salmon olfactory system. olfactory system used gather important information one’s environment. in case of salmon, olfactory cues can gather information habitat quality, predators, mates , more. salmon can detect distinct copper gradients using olfactory system, , use information avoid contaminated waters. however, when salmon affected copper, olfactory system can impacted in matter of minutes. if fish no longer able gather environmental information, may @ risk predation or unable find resources survival. example of physiological sublethal effect leading ecological death.
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