Reception On Liberty
1 reception
1.1 contradiction utilitarianism
1.2 narrow focus
1.3 religious criticism
1.4 conception of harm
1.5 charges of racism , colonialism
shimer college student reads on liberty in 1973.
on liberty enormously popular in years following publication. thomas hardy recalled later in life undergraduates in 1860s knew book heart. criticisms of book in 19th century came chiefly thinkers felt mill s concept of liberty left door open barbarism, such james fitzjames stephen , matthew arnold.
in more recent times, although on liberty garnered adverse criticism, has been largely received important classic of political thought ideas , accessibly lucid style. denise evans , mary l. onorato summarise modern reception of on liberty, stating: [c]ritics regard essay on liberty seminal work in development of british liberalism. enhanced powerful, lucid, , accessible prose style, mill s writings on government, economics, , logic suggest model society remains compelling , relevant. 1 sign of book s importance, copy of on liberty symbol of office president of liberal democrat party in england.
contradiction utilitarianism
mill makes clear throughout on liberty regard[s] utility ultimate appeal on ethical questions , standard inherited father, follower of jeremy bentham. though j.s. mill claims of principles on liberty appeal ultimate authority of utilitarianism, according nigel warburton, of essay can seem divorced supposed final court of appeals. mill seems idealize liberty , rights @ cost of utility. instance, mill writes:
this claim seems go against principle of utilitarianism permissible 1 should harmed majority benefit. warburton argues mill optimistic outcome of free speech. warburton claims there situations in cause more happiness suppress truth permit it. example, if scientist discovered comet kill planet in matter of weeks, may cause more happiness suppress truth allow society discover impending danger. while david brink concedes mill s apparently categorical appeal rights seems contradict utilitarianism, points out mill not believe rights categorical because mill opposes unrestrained liberty (e.g. offensive public exposure).
furthermore, david brink tries reconcile mill s system of rights utilitarianism in 3 ways:
narrow focus
some thinkers have criticised mill s writing apparent narrow or unclear focus in several areas. mill makes clear considers adults in writing, failing account how irrational members of society, such children, ought treated. yet mill s theory relies upon proper upbringing of children. plank has asserted mill fails account physical harm, solely concerning himself spiritual wellbeing. argues that, while of mill s theory depends upon distinction between private , public harm, mill seems not have provided clear focus on or distinction between private , public realms.
religious criticism
nigel warburton states though mill encourages religious tolerance, because not speak perspective of specific religion, claim not account religious beliefs entail when governing society. religions believe have god given duty enforce religious norms. them, seems impossible religious beliefs wrong, i.e. beliefs infallible. therefore, according warburton, mill s principle of total freedom of speech may not apply.
conception of harm
the harm principle central principles in on liberty. nigel warburton says mill appears unclear constitutes harm. in book, claims being offensive not constitute harm. later, writes acts permissible , harmless in private worthy of being prohibited in public. seems contradict earlier claim merely offensive acts not warrant prohibition because, presumably, harm done public act harmless in private is offensive.
warburton notes people argue morality basis of society, , society basis of individual happiness. therefore, if morality undermined, individual happiness. hence, since mill claims governments ought protect individual s ability seek happiness, governments ought intervene in private realm enforce moral codes.
charges of racism , colonialism
mill clear concern liberty not extend individuals , societies. states despotism legitimate mode of government in dealing barbarians . contemporary philosophers domenico losurdo , david theo goldberg have criticised mill racist , apologist colonialism.
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