Professional life Franklin Benjamin Sanborn

frank sanborn @ age 21

sanborn active in politics member of free soil party in new hampshire , massachusetts. in 1856, became secretary of massachusetts kansas commission , came close touch john brown. sanborn 1 of 6 influential men supplied brown support raid on harper s ferry on october 16–18, 1859. group later termed secret six. although sanborn disavowed advance-knowledge of attack, defend brown end of life, assist in support of widow , children, , make periodic pilgrimages brown s grave.

on night of april 3, 1860, 5 federal marshalls arrived @ frank sanborn s home in concord, handcuffed him , attempted wrestle him coach , take him washington answer questions before senate in regard involvement john brown. approximately 150 towns-people rushed sanborn s defense. judge ebenezer r. hoar issued writ of replevin, formally demanding surrender of prisoner. in letter friend, louisa may alcott wrote, sanborn kidnapped. great ferment in town. annie whiting immortalized herself getting kidnapper s carriage not put long legged martyr in.

frank sanborn of concord, ma, resists arrest federal marshals in regard support of abolitionist john brown

from 1863 1867 sanborn editor of boston commonwealth, 1867 1897 of journal of social science, , 1868 1914 correspondent of springfield republican. 1 of founders of, , closely identified with, american social science association (secretary 1865–1897), national prison association, national conference of charities, clarke school deaf, massachusetts infant asylum, , concord school of philosophy. lectured @ cornell, smith, , wellesley.

in october 1863, became secretary of massachusetts state board of charities, first established in america. secretary 1863 1868, member 1870 1876, , chairman 1874 1876. in 1875, made searching investigation abuses of tewksbury almshouse, , in consequence institution reformed. in 1879 helped reorganize system of massachusetts charities, special reference care of children , insane persons, in july 1879 becoming state inspector of charities under new board, serving until 1888.


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