Buildings Northern River Street Historic District
looking north along river street federal street
the west side dominated 409-415 river street, four-story six-bay former warehouse dates 1840s, making oldest building in district. brownstone pilasters on storefronts attest lingering influence of greek revival architecture @ time built. nest door, 417-419 river street tall 3 bays wide, built decade later similar design. next 421-423 river street, 1885 cleminshaw building of h.c. curtis collar co. @ 6 bays , 5 stories, largest building in district. boasts ornate pressed metal cornice pediment reading 1868 rebuilt 1884 .
at north end of row 425 river street, narrower 1892 five-story building showing later influences, corbeled brick cornice , molded pediment. top floor windows arched; brick pilaster comes beneath create rounded arcade. decorative brick course molded string runs around building. north 2 smaller buildings, dating around 1910, newest buildings in district.
to south of large warehouses smaller buildings. @ 403 river street three-story building dating same period warehouses, 405-407, built gaiety theatre in 1888 , rebuilt dutch colonial revival stepped gables after fire twenty years later.
the west side dominated 3 large three-story brick warehouses built around 1885. north, @ 428-430 river street, two-story brick building ten years later.
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