The Trinitarians Fail Monastery

stone emblem of trinitarian order on façade of san carlo alle quattro fontane (1638–1641) in rome

barnweill kirk ruins

also known red friars , or mathurines monastery of saint mathurin in paris. monks charged duty of saving captives slavery , such, called fratres de redemptione captivorum or fathers of redemption . monks either paid ransom of christians or purchased pagan captives exchange christians. monks wore white outer garment red , blue cross on shoulder or on breast. monks not permitted ride horses , had use asses transport.

in scotland order had friaries @ aberdeen; berwick; dirleton; dunbar; houston (east lothian); peebles; , scotlandswell. kettins in angus, parish church, appropriated trinitarian friars.

william aiton records monastery established john de graham, lord of tarbolton in 1252, love regards andrew bruce being founder.

symington church, once held fail monstery.

the monastery lay within civil , ecclesiastical parish of barnweil or barnwell, suppressed in 1673, lands joining parishes of craigie , tarbolton. founded 1252, monastery partially destroyed fire in 1349 or 1359. 2 thirds of monastery s income ordered spent on redeeming christian slaves , consequence , order, trinitarians buildings not overly ornate.

a trinitarian monk of 17th century

although tarbolton twice subject jurisdiction of monks of fail, did not remain them, remained independent rectory. in 1429 tarbolton erected prebend or canonry of glasgow cathedral. barnweil, vicarage of monks of fail, annexed partly tarbolton, , partly craigie in 1653. church ruins, stood near old castle of same name, have been allowed go total ruin.

the principal of trinitarian monasteries called minister , head of order in scotland, had seat in scottish parliament. in 1343 john minister of house of holy trinity , persuaded, gift white horse, john de graham, lord of tarbolton, revoke gift of rights of patronage kirk of tarbolton , lands of unthank. john stole white horse , agreement nullified

in 1368 john stewart, earl of carrick , lord of kyle-stewart confirmed charter of 1338 made john of grame, lord of tarbolton, conveying rights of patronage , advowson of tarbolton church god , house of faleford, minister , brothers, , successors of order of holy trinity , captives... hugh of eglintoun, lord of ilk , others bore witness.

friar william houston became minister of fail in 16th century nephew attempted oust him , went far invade failford ..with body of supporters armed balistas, bows, mangonels , sorts of offensive arms, , had broken down gate , doors in attempt oust minister.

in 1546 robert cunninghame minister of fail, living off income , not carrying out responsibilities of position, indeed community of friars @ fail had been subject of several investigations since mid-fifteenth century. robert married , held lands of montgreenan whilst continuing use title of minister , act provincial of trinitarian order in scotland.

in 1642 william hunter ruling elder.

the parish churches of barnweill, symington, , galston in old kyle, torthorwald in old dumfriesshire, , inverchoalan in old argylshire, belonged monastery of fail. saint anne s well, monk muir , monk road within parish of galston evoke links monastery of fail. @ symington recorded church of symonstoun granted convent founded @ feil, or faile, in kyle, during year 1252, , continued belong convent until reformation. cure served vicar pensioner had settled income , glebe, , minister , brothers of faile enjoyed remainder of tithes , revenues.

the monks of melrose held extensive lands in area , in close competition friars of fail lands , income.

in reign of robert ii (1316–1390) patronage of kirk of fail granted james de lindsay of crawforde , in 1470 james de quhit of fale mentioned. in 1562 robert cuninghame minister of fail.

it recorded in 1562 laird of lamont, such contempt minister of fail, had paid no rent 6 years.

the character of friars recalled in these lines -

another version expands details of friars way of life -

a crown petition

in 1459 king james ii , queen, mary of gueldress submitted petition suppress order of trinitarian friars , pass churches , revenues trinity collegiate church , hospital in edinburgh. given reason thw friars evil, unclean, , unfit continue observance of rule. public outcry such petition refused, echo of substance in allegations derived above quoted rhyme.

thomas rhymer

william wallace s biographer, thomas rhymer, said have been @ fail when william wallace imprisoned english in 1305. said have been frequent visitor minister , may have retired failford , died there.

the dissolution of monastery

the lords of council ordered destruction of monastery in 1561, 2 poor men still lived in convent in 1562 , had £22 year subsistence while 4 old beidmen of convent lived outside. term convent @ time did not infer community of women.

in 1565, robert cunninghame, minister of fail, granted charter j. cunninghame esq conveyed him lands of brownhill, , farms of fail estate. william wallace, brother of sir hugh wallace of craigie castle appears have acquired patronage of monastery. died in 1617.

the wallace family of nearby craigie carried out repairs ministers dwelling, converting more of defensive structure, known locally fail castle , marked such on of contemporary maps.


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