S. freyi Sphecomyrma
drawings of various body parts of s. freyi
s. freyi ants small, measuring 4 millimetres (0.16 in). mandibles wasp-like, 12-segmented antennae far apart each other , second funicular segment longer other segments. unusual ants, such case occurs in nothomyrmecia macrops. scapes short @ 0.57 millimetres (0.022 in). compound eyes long , convex, situated on middle side of head. clypeus (one of sclerites make face of arthropod or insect) broad , convex , ocelli (photoreceptors) developed. mesosoma slender , closely resembles of methocha malayana, measuring 1.48 millimetres (0.058 in). mesonotum long , slender distinct convexed scutum , scutellum, these 2 features separated each other axillary region. spiracles present on metathorax, situated below scutellum. petiole has raised node , separated propodeum , gaster. gaster measures 1.51 millimetres (0.059 in), , acute protruding stinger, measuring 0.33 millimetres (0.013 in) present. legs long , slender 2 tibial spurs present @ each tibia, , tarsal claws have median tooth. 2 worker specimens have little morphological differences, range in size. head , segments of antenna tend smaller in holotype specimen while in paratype larger. pubescence short scattered throughout body, measuring 0.001 millimetres (3.9×10 in). colour of specimens appears light-brown. metapleural gland exhibits notably wide , oval-shaped orifice, (openings body). separation between orifice , posterior portion of propodeum twice diameter orifice itself. cuticle situated in anterior portion (referring in front) of orifice thinner in contrast cuticle surrounding mesosoma, notably transparent. oddly shaped chamber can seen beneath cuticle, atrium (chamber hardened, thickened wall). gland covered in whitish mass , located in anterodorsal region (meaning in front , toward back) of subcuticular chamber. gland said shrunken original size.
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