Reception and home media release The Big Goodbye

the peabody board.

the episode first aired on january 11, 1988, receiving nielsen ratings of 11.5 million. first new episode broadcast since previous november, when 10.3 million viewers watched haven . big goodbye received more viewers following episode datalore , had 10.3 million viewers. in recognition of new standard of quality first-run syndication , episode honored peabody award in 1987. big goodbye nominated 2 emmy awards in categories of outstanding cinematography series , outstanding costumes series, costume designer william ware theiss winning award in latter category.

after initial release, review in tv guide criticised episode similarity original series episode piece of action , featured planet based on 1930s gangland chicago. several reviewers re-watched episode after end of series. keith decandido of praised stellar guest casting , said tierney own[ed] episode . compared episode maltese falcon, , said episode featured charming performances entire cast. decandido gave episode score of 7 out of ten. cast member wil wheaton called episode fantastic collaborative effort, tracy torme s script, joseph scanlan s direction, ed brown s cinematography, every actor s performance. there s reason big goodbye star trek episode win peabody. gave episode grade.

writing den of geek, james hunt said risk of disintegration on holodeck insane , rectified in later episodes. thought episode stood out others in first season due prototype holodeck story. holodeck break again , again on years, in way more interesting this. not big goodbye particularly interesting, has rare fortune of being first, hunt wrote.

michelle erica green of treknation praised dialogue felt episode did not hold lot of logical analysis . however, said fun episode set stage holodeck episodes featuring sentient professor moriarty hologram in elementary, dear data , ship in bottle . writing a.v. club, zack handlen observed flatness in parts of episode , considered silly characters disintegrate after leaving holodeck. although said holodeck in big goodbye similar xbox periodically eats cat , gave episode overall grade of b-.

big goodbye released on vhs cassette in united states , canada on august 26, 1992. episode released on star trek: next generation season 1 dvd box set in march 2002. season 1 blu-ray set released on july 24, 2012.


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