Life cycle Trichopoda pennipes

trichopoda pennipes showing comb-like fringe of flattened hairs

trichopoda pennipes first appears in late spring or summer , feeds on nectar sucked flowers such queen anne s lace , meadowsweet. may seen hovering on other plants in search of suitable bugs on lay eggs, commonly squash bugs , southern green stinkbugs. female fly lays several small, pale-coloured, oval eggs on large nymph or adult bug. when eggs hatch, larvae burrow bug. if there several larvae in 1 host, 1 survives. after feeding on bug s tissues, cream-coloured larva emerges , falls ground pupates in reddish-brown puparium formed last larval skin. bug meanwhile dies. after 2 weeks, adult fly emerges pupa. after mating, female fly may lay several hundred eggs in total. there 3 generations of fly each year , parasitoid overwinters second instar larva within body of overwintering host.


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