Ecclesiastical history Nafpaktos

the metropolitan see of naupactus depended on pope of rome until 733, when leo iii isaurian annexed patriarchate of constantinople.

the zealous youth st. nicholas of trani after failed attempt @ mortifications of cenoebitic life @ hosios loukas monastery in boetia set sail in spring of 1094 on pilgrimage rome solemnity of sts. peter , paul. pious habit of evangelizing sailors constant proclamations (in greek kerygma κηρύσσω, meaning cry or proclaim herald ) of phrase kyrie eleison according legend, led them throw him overboard. made ashore in italy, not hospitably received , died months later aged 19. miraculous cures led him being publicly acclaimed worthy of veneration bishop of trani @ council of bari in 1098.

under frankish rule, there 20 archbishops in 14–15th centuries. city remains titular see of roman catholic church.

the see attached church of greece after greek war of independence. suppressed in 1900, replaced see of acarnania , naupactia, seat @ missolonghi.


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