Committee classes List of current United States Senate committees
1 committee classes
1.1 standing committees
1.2 other, select , special committees
1.3 joint committees
1.4 jurisdiction
committee classes
senate committees divided, according relative importance, 3 categories: class a, class b, , class c. individual senators in general limited service on 2 class committees , 1 class b committee. assignment class c committees made without reference member s service on other panels.
standing committees
standing committees permanent bodies specific responsibilities spelled out in senate s rules. twelve of sixteen current standing committees class panels. agriculture; appropriations; armed services; banking, housing , urban affairs; commerce, science, , transportation; energy , natural resources; environment , public works; finance; foreign relations; governmental affairs; judiciary; , health, education, labor , pensions.
there 4 class b standing committees: budget; rules , administration; small business; , veterans affairs. there no class c standing committees.
other, select , special committees
other (i.e., indian affairs), select , special committees ranked class b or class c committees. created specified purposes. there 2 class b committees: select committee on intelligence , special committee on aging, , 2 class c committees: committee on indian affairs , select committee on ethics.
joint committees
joint committees used purposes of legislative , administrative coordination. @ present there four: joint economic committee (class b), joint committee on library (class c), joint committee on printing (class c), , joint committee on taxation (class c).
standing committees in senate have jurisdiction set 3 primary sources: senate rules, ad hoc senate resolutions, , senate resolutions related committee funding. see overview of jurisdictions of standing committees in senate, see standing rules of united states senate, rule xxv.
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