Canada Nativism (politics)

nativism common in canada (though term originated in u.s.). took several forms. hostility chinese , other asians intense, , involved provincial laws hindered immigration of chinese , japanese , blocked economic mobility. in 1942 japanese canadians forced detention camps in response japanese aggression in world war ii.

throughout 19th century, 20th, orange order in canada attacked , tried politically defeat irish catholics. ku klux klan spread in mid-1920s u.s. parts of canada, saskatchewan, helped topple liberal government. klan creed was, historian martin robin argues, in mainstream of protestant canadian sentiment, based on protestantism, separation of church , state, pure patriotism, restrictive , selective immigration, 1 national public school, 1 flag , 1 language—english.

in world war i, canadian naturalized citizens of german or austrian origins stripped of right vote, , tens of thousands of ukrainians (who born in austro-hungarian empire) rounded , put in internment camps.

hostility of native-born canadians competition english immigrants in 20th century expressed in signs read, no english need apply! resentment came because immigrants identified more england canada.

in british empire, traditions of anti-catholicism in britain led fears catholics threat national (british) values. in canada, orange order (of irish protestants) campaigned vigorously against catholics throughout 19th century, violent confrontations. both sides immigrants ireland , neither side claimed loyalty canada. orange order less influential in u.s., after major riot in new york city in 1871.


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