Spanish period History of Riverside, California

sherry peticolas s statue of juan bautista de anza in riverside, california

on march 20, 1774, juan bautista de anza, leading exploratory expedition find land route southern mexico alta california, reached area today known riverside. he, , others in contingent, described area beautiful place fragrent rosemary , other herbs, , having rich grasslands horses , cattle graze. named area valle de paraiso, or valley of paradise. first official record made of become city of riverside.

de anza lead second expedition through area on december 31, 1775. expedition colonizing expedition headed monterey. spent new year s eve on banks of santa ana river, , crossed river following day.

the routes taken 2 expeditions believed have followed course somewhere near lake perris, in current-day moreno valley, down box springs grade near 60/215 highway interchange, , across riverside in direction of martha mclean – anza narrows park. marker in park dedicated recognize point group crossed santa ana river. commemorate de anza s expeditions, city of riverside, through private donations , federal grant works progress administration, began work on 20-foot statue of de anza in 1939. dedication took place in may, 1942, @ corner of market , 14th streets.


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