Military functions Voivode of Transylvania

ruins of déva castle (cetatea deva, romania), fortress of voivodes 1321 c. 1443

the etymology of title ( commander ) suggests voivodes had significant military duties. supreme leader of troops recruited in counties under jurisdiction. although law obliged noblemen fight in king s army, transylvanian nobles fought under command of voivode. furthermore, voivodes had own private retinue, formed armed noblemen. right raise army under own flag confirmed legislation in 1498.

military functions attested, instance, pousa, voivode @ time of mongol invasion fell in battle on march 31, 1241. voivode lawrence of aba clan fought in royal army in war against austria in 1246. mongol army attacking southern regions of transylvania defeated voivode ernye of Ákos clan in 1260. roland borsa fought against invading mongols in 1285.

voivode nicholas csáki failed repel ottoman invasion of transylvania in 1420. in contrast, john hunyadi, voivode between 1441 , 1446, defeated major ottoman army @ gyulafehérvár in 1442. successor stephen báthory likewise won resounding victory @ breadfield (hungarian: kenyérmező, romanian: câmpul pâinii) on october 13, 1479. contrast, john zápolya (szapolyai), last voivode before battle of mohács on august 29, 1526 did not arrive battlefield in time, summoned late. battle ended ottomans annihilation of royal army. king louis ii of hungary killed on battlefield.


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