Historic development Herbert Hoover National Historic Site

the jesse hoover blacksmith shop rebuilt in 1950s based on archaeological findings on site , family recollections of structure.

the birthplace park hosted first hoover day celebration of hoover s 74th birthday in 1948. large crowds came celebrate iowan inspired allan hoover further develop site in time father s 80th birthday in 1954. herbert hoover birthplace park officially dedicated on june 30, 1952. following year, comfort station , picnic shelter constructed; these have both since been demolished. in collaboration hoover celebration in 1954, boy scouts of america built picnic shelter , dedicated bronze plaque former president. in 1957, hoover family decided recreate jesse hoover blacksmith shop, rebuilt using wood reclaimed 1870 barn. blacksmith shop working shop producing various iron items sale , replacement period hardware nps.

in late 1950s, park expanded in response proposed interstate 80, pass south of park. these land acquisitions maintained integrity of site. birthplace society moved 1905 house park in 1964 serve house of director of presidential library. house has since been transferred herbert hoover presidential library association, use offices. around same time, birthplace society moved quaker meetinghouse site. although hoovers opposed idea, since church far house, relented when learning of demolition threat. last building moved site before hoover s death.


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