Treatment Enuresis

1 treatment

1.1 moisture alarms
1.2 medications
1.3 dry-bed training
1.4 bladder training


many children overcome incontinence naturally (without treatment) grow older. number of cases of incontinence goes down 15 percent each year after age of 5.

moisture alarms

at night, moisture alarms, known bedwetting alarms, can awaken person when or begins urinate. these devices include water-sensitive sensor clipped on pajamas, wire connecting battery-driven control, , alarm sounds when moisture first detected. alarm effective, child must awaken or awakened alarm goes off. may require having person sleep in same room awaken bedwetter. bed-wetting alarms have been around since 1938, when o. h. mowrer , w. m. mowrer first invented bell , pad . behavioral training 1 of safest , more effective treatments. twelve weeks, child have mastered nighttime bladder control.


nighttime incontinence may treated increasing adh levels. hormone can boosted synthetic version known desmopressin, or ddavp, became available in pill form. patients can spray mist containing desmopressin nostrils. desmopressin approved use children. there difficulty in keeping bed dry after medication stopped, high 80% relapse rate.

another medication, called imipramine, used treat sleepwetting. acts on both brain , urinary bladder. unfortunately, total dryness either of medications available achieved in 20 percent of patients.

if young person experiences incontinence resulting overactive bladder, doctor might prescribe medicine helps calm bladder muscle, such oxybutynin. medicine controls muscle spasms , belongs class of medications called anticholinergics.

dry-bed training

during visit doctor s office, parents can instructed in bladder retention control training having child drink more , more fluids during day , delay urination longer periods of time, attempting strengthen bladder control. encouraged enforced hourly wakings trips bathroom during night , develop cleanup routine child (possibly including cleaning more sheets), in addition positively reinforcing dry nights (nights without urination incidents).

bladder training

techniques may daytime incontinence include:

urinating on schedule, such every 2 hours (this called timed voiding)
avoiding caffeine or other foods or drinks may contribute child s incontinence
following suggestions healthy urination, such relaxing muscles , taking time


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