Incendiary grenades United States hand grenades

1 incendiary grenades

1.1 m1 frangible grenade (aw, alcohol-gasoline, ga, im, , np)
1.2 m14 th3
1.3 model 308-1 napalm

incendiary grenades
m1 frangible grenade (aw, alcohol-gasoline, ga, im, , np)

in september 1942 united states standardized molotov cocktail-style device nominally designated grenade . consisted of pint-sized clear glass bottle crimped metal cap. dubbed frangible because made of glass, brittle , broken. common types of fillers m1 not surprisingly number of incendiary agents. various fillers changed chemical technology improved, , created number of more standardized molotov cocktails.

aw incendiary mixture of phosphorus rubber dissolved in gasoline. phosphorus ignited when exposed air, setting off gasoline - burned on own not put out water. dissolved rubber allowed gasoline adhere surfaces while burning. made obsolete in 1943.

the alcohol-gasoline model said on tin: mixture of grain alcohol , gasoline. used m1 fuze, released chemical powder ignite mixture. ga filler liquid or solidified ( jellied ) gasoline. ignited m2 fuze, used safer , more reliable time-delay pull-fuze.

models im filler (gasoline mixed incendiary thickener) or np filler (a mixture of gasoline , naphtha palmate) fuzed m3 igniter fuze attached bottle timmerman strap safety. m3 igniter fuze assembly consisted of fuze body, striker, , .38-caliber blank cartridge. timmerman strap metal band under tension around surface of grenade hooked striker safety in fuse body. (if bottle broke prematurely, timmerman strap safety prevent striker going off on impact.) activate grenade, user pulled safety pin fuse assembly. threw bottle against target hard enough shatter glass. when bottle broke, timmerman strap fell off, deactivating strap safety , allowing striker engage. fuze spring in fuze body activated striker, struck cartridge. blank cartridge set off pyrotechnic flash, ignited thickened gasoline filler.

m14 th3

a cylindrical grenade visually identical m8, m14 (also written an/m14) purpose designed incendiary grenade. working off intense , violent reaction of thermate filler, end result of deployment of m14 molten iron. means m14 employed on material destroyed in secure environment , not offensive or defensive weapon. grenade has ability melt right through engine block. also, since thermate reaction uses iron oxide instead of oxygen oxidizing agent, grenade can work under water.

model 308-1 napalm

another variant of model 308-1 designed special operations branch of naval weapons center @ china lake, california, 308-1 napalm in direct response seal requirements more offensive incendiary device on m14. issued kit, user take included powdered napalm ( m1 thickener ) , fill grenade gasoline produce complete incendiary device.


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