February 2002 Plame affair timeline
flow of valerie plame information according media reports
12 february: vice president cheney reads dia report on alleged niger-iraq uranium sale , asks cia’s analysis.
12 february: valerie plame, c.i.a. employee working in counterproliferation division, sends memo deputy chief of c.i.a. s directorate of operations stating husband has contact former prime minister , director of mines in niger other contacts might prove useful in shedding light on supposed niger-iraq uranium contract.
13 february: operations official cables overseas officer seeking approval of joe wilson investigation.
19 february: cia staffers, including plame, meet discuss sending wilson niger. according plame, there few minutes.
26 february 2002: joseph c. wilson travels niger @ request of cia. joe wilson meets former minister of mines, mai manga, said knew of no sales of uranium between niger , rogue states. states mines closely monitored mining transport loading making @ least difficult if not impossible rogue state obtain uranium through channel.
joe wilson indicates in conversation former niger prime minister, ibrahim assane mayaki, pm indicated not aware of sales contract iraq in june 1999 approached businessman, asking meet iraqi delegation discuss expanding commercial relations. (note: niger s 2 largest exports uranium , livestock). wilson indicated thought meeting took place mayaki, aware of illegality of such activities, let matter drop due sanctions on iraq.
according report of u.s. senate select intelligence committee, (july 2004, pages 43–46), former prime minister of niger mayaki told wilson in niger mayaki interpreted june 1999 proposal of businessman expanding commercial relations offer buy uranium yellowcake. however, interpretation. iraqi did not mention word uranium or yellowcake.
the senate report s exact words on mayaki s suspicions of iraq s interest in uranium: mayaki said, however, in june 1999, [a few words blacked out] businessman, approached him , insisted mayaki meet iraqi delegation discuss expanding commercial relations between niger , iraq. [cia] intelligence report [on wilson s trip] said mayaki interpreted expanding commercial relations mean delegation wanted discuss uranium yellowcake sales. intelligence report said although meeting took place, mayaki let matter drop due u.n. sanctions on iraq.
the united states senate select committee on intelligence faulted c.i.a. not investigating iraqi efforts obtain uranium niger, citing reports both foreign service , united states navy uranium niger destined iraq , stored in warehouse in benin, country located between niger , togo.
^ john pike. report on u.s. intelligence community s prewar intelligence assessments on iraq . globalsecurity.org. retrieved 2013-03-16.
^ gary leupp: niger uranium deception , plame affair, chronology . counterpunch.org. 2005-11-09. retrieved 2013-03-16.
^ cite error: named reference stevenson-2005 invoked never defined (see page).
^ https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/ng.html
^ clifford d. may on joe wilson on national review online . nationalreview.com. 2004-07-12. retrieved 2013-03-16.
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