Systematics Tyrant flycatcher

eastern wood pewee, contopus virens

the short-tailed pygmy tyrant (myiornis ecaudatus) smallest species of passerine.

the great shrike-tyrant (agriornis lividus) largest species of tyrant flycatcher.

great kiskadee, pitangus sulphuratus

fork-tailed flycatcher, tyrannus savana

common tody-flycatcher, todirostrum cinereum

agile tit-tyrant, anairetes agilis

calyptura – kinglet calyptura
ornithion (3 species)
camptostoma (2 species)
phaeomyias – mouse-colored tyrannulet
nesotriccus – cocos flycatcher
capsiempis – yellow tyrannulet
tyrannulus – yellow-crowned tyrannulet
myiopagis (7 species)
pseudelaenia – grey-and-white tyrannulet
elaenia (18 species)
serpophaga (5 species)
mionectes (5 species)
leptopogon (4 species)
pseudotriccus (3 species)
phylloscartes (23 species)
phyllomyias (13 species)
zimmerius (10 species)
sublegatus (3 species)
suiriri (2 species)
mecocerculus (6 species)
inezia (4 species)
stigmatura (2 species)
anairetes (6 species)
uromyias (2 species)
tachuris – many-colored rush tyrant
culicivora – sharp-tailed grass tyrant
polystictus (2 species)
pseudocolopteryx (5 species)
euscarthmus (2 species)
myiornis (4 species)
lophotriccus (4 species)
atalotriccus – pale-eyed pygmy tyrant
oncostoma (2 species)
poecilotriccus (12 species)
taeniotriccus – black-chested tyrant
hemitriccus – typical tody-tyrants (21–22 species)
todirostrum – typical tody-flycatchers (7 species, others in poecilotriccus)
corythopis – antpipits (2 species)
cnipodectes (2 species)
ramphotrigon (3 species)
rhynchocyclus (4 species)
tolmomyias (5 species)
platyrinchus – spadebills (7 species)
onychorhynchus – royal flycatchers (1–4 species, depending on taxonomy)
myiotriccus – ornate flycatcher
myiophobus (6 species)
nephelomyias (3 species)
terenotriccus – ruddy-tailed flycatcher
myiobius (4 species)
neopipo – cinnamon neopipo
pyrrhomyias – cinnamon flycatcher
hirundinea – cliff flycatcher
cnemotriccus – fuscous flycatcher
lathrotriccus (2 species)
aphanotriccus (2 species)
xenotriccus (2 species)
mitrephanes (2 species)
contopus – pewees (15 species)
empidonax (15 species)
sayornis – phoebes (3 species)
pyrocephalus – vermilion flycatchers (4 species)
ochthoeca (9 species)
tumbezia – tumbes tyrant
colorhamphus – patagonian tyrant
ochthornis – drab water tyrant
cnemarchus – red-rumped bush tyrant
myiotheretes (4 species)
xolmis (8 species, including heteroxolmis)
neoxolmis – chocolate-vented tyrant
agriornis – shrike-tyrants (5 species)
polioxolmis – rufous-webbed tyrant
muscisaxicola – ground tyrants (13 species)
muscigralla – short-tailed field tyrant
lessonia (2 species)
knipolegus – black tyrants (11 species)
hymenops – spectacled tyrant
fluvicola – typical water tyrants (3 species)
arundinicola – white-headed marsh tyrant
alectrurus (2 species)
gubernetes – streamer-tailed tyrant
satrapa – yellow-browed tyrant
colonia – long-tailed tyrant
machetornis – cattle tyrant
muscipipra – shear-tailed gray tyrant
attila – attilas (7–8 species)
casiornis (2 species)
sirystes – (4 species)
rhytipterna (3 species)
myiarchus (22 species)
deltarhynchus – flammulated flycatcher
pitangus – kiskadees (2 species, includes philohydor)
megarynchus – boat-billed flycatcher
myiozetetes (4–5 species)
conopias (4 species)
myiodynastes (5 species)
legatus – piratic flycatcher
phelpsia – white-bearded flycatcher
empidonomus – variegated flycatcher
griseotyrannus – crowned slaty flycatcher (formerly in empidonomus)
tyrannopsis – sulphury flycatcher
tyrannus – kingbirds (13 species)

^ adopt family tityridae – south american classification committee (2007)


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