Olympeion field Valle dei Templi
remains of 1 atlas in olympeion field.
panorama remains of 1 original atlas in olympeion field
panorama remains of 1 reconstructed atlas in olympeion field
on other side of road running through golden gate of ancient city, plain commanded huge olympeion field. includes platea large temple olympian zeus, plus other areas still under investigation. these include sanctuary, remains of paved square, complex sacellum ( holy enclosure ) , tholos. this, after gate, followed sanctuary of chthonic deities, archaic sanctuary, so-called colimbetra (where still unknown gate) , tip of spur sanctuary located, temple of vulcan.
the olympeion complex s main attraction huge temple of olympian zeus, described enthusiastic words diodorus siculus , mentioned polybius. today reduced ruins due destruction begun in antiquity , continued through 18th century, when temple used quarry port of porto empedocle.
near south-western corner of temples small edifice (12,45 x 5,90 m) 2 naves , deep pronaos, double entrance , has been identified altar. dating controversial, though scholars have assigned archaic era, due discovery of numerous 6th century bc vases. archaic sacellum, later replaced classical edifice. these followed scant remains of temple (called tempio l ) dating mid-5th century bc, measuring 41.8 x 20.20 meters, which, in 3rd century bc, hellenistic entablature added.
the re-assembled remains of temples of castor , pollux .
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