Architecture Lingnan garden

lingnan garden utilizes towers, bridges, , corridors. style either uses high walls , cold lanes divide garden combination of multiple courtyards, or connect buildings , courtyards 1 single whole. architecture involves high pillars, wide corridors, , thick walls. 3 carvings , 3 sculpting (jyutping: saam diu saam sou; traditional chinese: 三雕三塑) - carvings made of wood, brick , stone, , sculptures made of clay, mud, , granite - prevalent. classical lingnan gardens utilize full gardens of 3 carvings , 3 sculpting, shown in bou mak garden (jyutping: bou mak jyun; traditional chinese: 寶墨園, literally garden of treasure , ink ) in punyu, gwongzau. buildings in lingnan garden typically constructed in classical lingnan style.


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