Biography Heungseon Daewongun

1 biography

1.1 life
1.2 rise power
1.3 reforms
1.4 foreign policy
1.5 retirement
1.6 return power
1.7 return korea
1.8 gabo reform
1.9 involvement in queen min s death
1.10 death

early life

the daewongun born yi ha-eung in 1820. fourth son of yi ch’ae-jung, member of royal family in 1816 given name yi gu , title prince namyeon. daewongun direct descendant of king injo.

the daewongun schooled in confucianism , chinese classics. reputedly excelled in calligraphy , painting. government career consisted of minor posts honorary , ceremonial. beginning of life, connection royal house seemed of little him. poor , humiliated rich in-laws of royal house.

rise power

the daewongun came power when second son, yi myeong-bok, chosen become king.

in january 1864, king cheoljong died without heir. selection of next king in hands of 3 dowagers: queen sinjeong, mother of king heonjong; queen myeongheon, king heonjong’s wife; , queen cheorin, cheoljong s wife. designation right resided dowager queen sinjeong, oldest of dowagers.

in apocryphal story, queen cheorin sent minister fetch son of yi ha-eung, eleven-year-old yi myeong-bok, flying kite in palace garden. son brought palace in sedan chair, queen sinjeong rushed forward , called him son, producing new joseon king, king gojong, adopted son of crown prince hyomyeong. story may or may not true.

these facts, however, known correct. on 16 january 1864, yi myeong-bok appointed prince of ikseong dowager queen sinjeong. next day, father granted title daewongun. on 21 january, yi myeong-bok enthroned king gojong, , dowager queen sinjeong began regency. yi apparently chosen because suitable surviving male member of yi clan , closest blood royal house .

since gojong young, queen sinjeong invited daewongun assist son in ruling. virtually renounced right regent, , though remained titular regent, daewongun in fact true ruler.

once gojong became king, there still remained question of marriage. gojong s mother yeoheung decided upon daughter of min clan, lady min. daewongun remarked min woman of great determination , poise , disturbed her. however, allowed marry son, , unknowingly created greatest political rival.


during regency, daewongun attempted several reforms. main goal crush old ruling faction had virtually usurped sovereign power of kings earlier in century .

when took power in 1864, daewongun determined reform government , strengthen central control. led anti-corruption campaign, disciplined royal clans, , taxed aristocracy, yangban. cumings notes not revolution restoration, daewongun attempting return days of king sejong in fifteenth century.

one of daewongun s effective acts regent reconstruction of gyeongbok palace. palace had been built during reign of first joseon king. of building destroyed in fire in 1533 , rest destroyed during japanese invasion of 1592. rebuilding took 7 years , 5 months. perhaps costly project during joseon dynasty.

the daewongun s reforms not successful, scholars high-handed , tactless . not that, policies did not have lasting effect, once gojong came of age in 1874, forced daewongun semiretirement , undid many of reforms.

foreign policy

the daewongun s foreign policy rather simple, cumings describes it: no treaties, no trade, no catholics, no west, , no japan . instead maintained isolationist policy.

the isolation policy policy made isolate joseon foreign forces except china believed strongest. tried refuse russia s quest open joseon s ports them using france, france refused - causing 1866 byeong-in persecution. involved in general sherman incident well. isolation policy became more entrenched in 1868 when, german merchant ernst oppert attempted take hostage bones of daewongun s father in order force him open korea trade; , further after 1871 american attack of gwanghwado.

the isolation policy provided immediate benefits of fortifying korean patriotism protecting culture of confucianism. heungseon daewongun able protect joseon cultural imperialism , westernization , protect korea s heritage it. however, because refused engage in international relations entirely, there limited choice of market , slim opportunity industrial revolution occur. indeed, daewongun wanted avoid engagement west - have been inevitable if western countries allowed trade freely - erode government influence. joseon dynasty had strict social hierarchy: wealth of yangban nobility resting on backs of sangmin farm labourers , tenants; daewongun wanted prevent collapse of hierarchy as, despite fame fairness , support of civilization, emancipation of sangmin mean ruin of yangban, own class.

the international relations of joseon worsened daewongun adopted increasingly desperate , harsher measures in order repel westernization. daewongun made choice of protecting world knew trying shut out foreigners, @ cost of delaying development , modernization, , keep korea hermit kingdom. many koreans state had chose engage foreign countries daughter-in-law queen min advocated, japanese rule of korea have been avoided. however, others state ten years of isolation policy small part of joseon dynasty derive such statement from.


in 1874, king gojong came of age. wife, queen min, influenced decision assume full measure of royal responsibility , action forced daewongun semiretirement.

return power

the daewongun enjoyed brief return power during imo incident in 1882. on second day of mutiny, group of rioters received daewongun, reportedly exhorted them bring down min regime , expel japanese . king gojong asked father, daewongun come palace. daewongun’s appearance, escorted 200 mutineers, put immediate end wild melee. gojong gave daewongun small , large matters of government , daewongun resumed rule. both japanese , chinese forces headed towards korea put down rebellion, , ma chien-chung, chinese diplomat in korea, decided time remove daewongun.

the chinese had 3 reasons wanted remove daewongun: first, attempted overthrow pro-chinese min faction. second, created situation invited japanese troops korea, precipitating danger of military conflict between japan on 1 hand , korea , china on other. , third, taewongun [daewongun]-inspired disturbance threatened foundation of lawfully constituted government in dependent nation .

ma arrested daewongun on charge of disrespect emperor usurping power emperor had invested in king of korea . however, father of king, dealt leniently. 1 hundred chinese soldiers escorted daewongun waiting chinese warship, , there tianjin.

return korea

in fall of 1885, chinese returned daewongun korea, despite strong objections queen , followers .

gabo reform

in 1894, japanese strengthening hold on korea. needed amenable them leader in korea during gabo reform. approached daewongun potential leader. when agreed, on 23 july japanese soldiers liberated him house arrest gojong had placed him under. in exchange help, daewongun asked promise if reforms succeeded, japan not demand single piece of korean territory . soldiers took him palace, approached king. daewongun reproached king gojong , announced taking over.

the japanese became nervous after placing daewongun in charge, seemed interested in grasping power , purging opponents , did not see need reform policy . september 1894, japanese decided daewongun not trusted. october, became clear plan use taewongun [daewongun] vehicle reform program had misfired . japanese statesman, inoue kaoru, sent korea new resident minister, told daewongun, stand in way, , forced daewongun promise abstain interference in political affairs .

involvement in queen min s death

in 1895, japanese officials in korea plotting removal of gojong s wife, queen min. miura gorō, inoue kaoru s successor japanese advisor korean government, , sugimura fukashi, secretary of japanese legation, planned attempt. 2 decided involve daewongun in plot, , after making inquiries, learned indignant enough plan coup , cooperate them. on 8 october 1895, in morning, japanese policemen escorted daewongun palace. involvement point on unclear, on morning, japanese agents assassinated queen min.


the daewongun died in 1898.


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