Feature race 2014 Bahrain GP2 Series round

stoffel vandoorne (pictured in 2013) won first gp2 series race on debut in series.

on following lap, large crash necessitated deployment of safety car. jefferies defending position sato on straight linking turns 3 , 4 , sato went jefferies s rear-end. sato punted jefferies heavy collision wall lining circuit @ high speed. jefferies s vehicle slid across tarmac @ turn 1 , stopped in gravel trap without collecting other cars. jefferies unhurt. @ lap 6 restart, vandoorne remained leader richelmi, coletti, haryanto , nasr elected make pit stops mandatory change hard compound tyre. evans , palmer made pit stops on following lap, though vandoorne committed himself making track position pay off , extended advantage 5 seconds in front of pic required make pit stops. richelmi lost positions teammate palmer moved field , third position. nasr became disgruntled when cecotto forced him side of track while battling position. vandoorne ceded first place berthon @ end of lap 9 when made pit stop , rejoined two-second advantage on palmer.

haryanto fell behind coletti passed him virtual fourth place @ first corner. sato took ten-second stop-and-go penalty on lap 13 role in lap 3 accident jeffries. trummer took advantage of battle between binder , izawa pass both drivers in same passing manoeuvre in opening corners third place on 14th lap. passed daly second position 2 laps later. bertbon went pit lane lead on lap 18 , narrowly avoided colliding trummer attempted enter pit lane. after leaving pit lane, berthon affected wheel nut problem caused him slow suspected loose wheel before returning pit lane. leal heavily delayed markelov allowing palmer pull away. meanwhile, trummer remained on track , lost small amounts of pace pushing hard. vandoorne reduced trummer s lead 8 seconds time trummer made pit stop @ end of lap 30. followed coletti, pic , nasr late-stopping quaife-hobbs , izama moving through field courtesy of having newer soft compound tyres installed on cars.

leal attacked palmer , passed him around inside @ turn 1 braking later did second position. trummer emerged pit lane in tenth place 2 laps left in race , had advantage of newest set of soft compound tyres enabling him move ahead of quaife-hobbs, nasr , binder on final lap , settle seventh place. vandoorne maintained advantage @ head of field , crossed start/finish line after completing 32 laps win maiden gp2 series race on debut. leal finished second, 1 , half seconds behind , palmer fended off attacks coletti secure third. debutants pic , izawa finished in fifth , sixth places; latter narrowly held off trummer on main straight. nasr, binder , quaife-hobbs rounded out top-ten points scoring positions. de jong, daly, abt, evans , markelov filled next 5 places , haryanto, lancaster, marciello, richelmi , negrão completed top twenty. cecotto, rossi , berthon last of classified finishers.


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