Rafiq Hariri assassination Lebanon bombings and assassinations (2004–present)
ministry of interior soldier guarding site of attack killed former prime minister hariri
a massive explosion on 14 february 2005, killed former lebanese prime minister rafiq hariri in beirut, near st. george hotel. killed former minister of economy, bassel fleihan, , 19 other people. 220 others wounded.
a group calling nasra & jihad group in greater syria claimed responsibility blast. group had not been heard before. tape aired al jazeera showed bearded man, believed palestinian named ahmad abu adas, claiming attack. adas apartment raided remains missing; however, thought forced admit plot , killed planned assassination.
according united nations report detlev mehlis, released 20 october 2005, blast result of truck bomb. security camera captured white mitsubishi truck driving near hariri s convoy moments before blast; investigators determined truck carried explosives, estimated @ 1,000 kg. since hariri s convoy had jamming devices meant block remote control signals, attack carried out using suicide bomber. report cited witness said bomber iraqi led believe target iraqi prime minister iyad allawi, had been in beirut days before.
the report concluded top syrian , lebanese officials planned assassination beginning in mid-2004.
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