History United Macedonians Organization

first executive committee of united macedonians

king edward hotel in toronto, organization first established

by 1950s toronto had become epicenter organizational activity among post-wwii macedonians in north america. total of 20,000-30,000 aegean macedonians, including many of deca begalci, or child refugees of greek civil war, settled in toronto. many among them spoiling attack greek government poor treatment of macedonian minority , child refugees. relatively liberal canada of prime ministers lester pearson , pierre trudeau provided fertile ground in left wing emigre organization grow.

in 1959 group of 8 men met @ bermuda tavern on yonge street. initial 8 men became 12 when met again @ zhelevo hall, social space owned zhelevo benevolence brotherhood, mutual aid society founded in 1907 migrants zhelevo (antartiko) in aegean macedonia. chairing both meetings james saunders, macedonian-canadian had migrated zhelevo toronto in 1938. on april 28, 1959, group established united macedonians of north america @ gathering @ city’s king edward hotel. started ilinden picnic, annual gathering of macedonians on anniversary of ilinden uprising. first picnic held in summer of 1959 , had brought on 3,000 people together. manifestation encouraged committee make ilinden all-macedonian holiday, today has become tradition; drawing ten fifteen thousand people every year.

the organization undertook many other projects such publication of periodicals, magazines, newspapers , bulletins explaining situation in homeland, , history of macedonia. united macedonians committee held many social affairs such dances, banquets, lectures, , invited many prominent speakers enlighten macedonian canadians culture , heritage. in 1962 committee decided invite religious delegation of macedonian orthodox church skopje attend , officiate @ memorial service fallen macedonian heroes of 1903 ilinden uprising. delegation headed bishop naum. organization played significant role in establishing first macedonian orthodox church in canada, st. clement of ohrid. in august 1962, members of united macedonians organization held meeting in king edward hotel in toronto , decision made build new church in thorncliffe park neighbourhood bear name of medieval saint clement of ohrid. after decision brought forth, assembly formed , church delegation sent holy synod in skopje, macedonia. first holy liturgy of parish carried out on 12th of august, 1962 in zhelevo hall. umo listed on hundred members 1965. many more non-members routinely attended umo dances , picnics. list of members contained large number of greek surnames – papadimitriou, mangos, sideris, loukras – clear indication of influence of aegean macedonians in group.

the group’s presence in united states never achieved size or momentum did in canada, possible exception of detroit. locus of leftist macedonian activity since george pirinski s time, detroit formed active united macedonians chapter in 1970. in toronto, of umo s work in detroit cultural , educational, , brought macedonians greater detroit , windsor area dances, picnics, , banquets

during 1990s, @ height of greek-macedonian dispute, organization involved in several disputes members of greek community of toronto on issues regarding protests macedonian human rights in greece, macedonian flag raising ceremony @ toronto city hall, macedonian independence parades, , macedonian wreath laying ceremony @ bust of alexander great - historic figure claimed both communities own. despite strong objection toronto s greek community, macedonian canadians able carry out these activities throughout city permission city officials. result, mayor of toronto, mel lastman, fell victim attack greek-torontonians, publicly kicked , spat on support macedonian community , alleged anti-greek actions.


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