Composition Don't Rush (song)
don t rush country song written blu sanders, natalie hemby , lindsay dawn chapman, , produced dann huff. features american country singer-songwriter vince gill. song set in drowsy, take-it-easy beat composed of layer of clarkson s , gill s soulful harmonies. song begins breezy soft-rock tune. in first verse, clarkson sings see way you’re looking @ me / baby know i’m feeling / can light every candle / move room room ensued sound of gill s guitar. song launches chorus, both clarkson , gill heard singing stopping every minute because re in it/wishing everyday sunday, re right next me/it s how s supposed , vocal chorus deemed awkward hermes of rolling stone. in final chorus, pair pauses before key changes @ minute three.
jonathan keefe of slant magazine praised production of song light-handed approach resonates early- 80s work of artists barbara mandrell , ronnie milsap. mark blankenship of logo opined song sounds easy listening hit 1970s or 1980s, gently groovy music underneath laid-back vocal. noted sound of hammond organ instrumental in resonating vibe of 1980s in song. zara golden of vh1 called instrumentation of song bright , breezy , remarked more soft-rock-y don t wanna stay . sam lansky of idolator noted clarkson s restrained vocals imbued country twang suitable song s country instrumentation. added having duet partner in song brings clarkson s impressively emotive vocals life .
lyrically, song finds clarkson taking time in love, , crooning praising lover. sam wilbur of aol radio contented song s central theme, writing s simple, laid love song nice change of pace clarkson who, along catch breath, singing more love , happiness, instead of break-ups , heartbreak.
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