Well-known residents Mountjoy Square
patrick pearse attended meetings in mountjoy square in planning 1916 easter rising, of leader.
mountjoy square has had many famous inhabitants throughout history. earliest arthur guinness, died there in january 1803. subsequently, descendant desmond guinness , first wife mariga, attempted save , restore gracious character of square in 1966–75, buying no. 50 , several demolished lots members of irish georgian society.
seán o casey, irish playwright , founder member of irish citizen army, lived in tenement in no. 35 mountjoy square, during irish war of independence. during time there, said house raided black , tans. john o leary, leading fenian, poet, editor of irish people, mentioned in w.b. yeats poem september 1913, lived @ no. 53 mountjoy square west in late 19th century , 20th century. yeats, friend of o leary, known have stayed @ 53 mountjoy square , sent letters there. dáil Éireann, parliament of ireland, having been suppressed british authorities dangerous organisation in september 1919, met before foundation of irish free state @ home of republican walter l. cole in mountjoy square. when volunteers met on easter monday 1916, 1st battalion met @ blackhall street in liberties intention of taking on 4 courts. exception twelve men of d company under command of captain seán heuston met @ mountjoy square mission of taking mendicity institution across river 4 courts. tm healy resided @ 1 mountjoy square, having lived on adjacent great charles street in number 50.
statue of james whiteside in st patrick s cathedral, dublin
james whiteside (1804–1876), writer, orator, politician , barrister lived @ no. 2 mountjoy square in mid-19th century. joseph napier, irish conservative party mp , member of privy council of ireland lived @ no. 17 mountjoy square south (now no. 52). richard dowse (1824–1890) lived @ no. 38 mountjoy square. born in dungannon, during career mp londonderry (1868–1872), attorney general, solicitor general , baron of court of exchequer. sir robert anderson (1841–1918) born @ number 1 mountjoy square west (now 53). infamous brothel, known kasbah health studio, frequented numerous senior irish businessmen, politicians , churchmen located in basement of number 60 mountjoy square west late 1970s until closure in 1990s.
seán o casey set 3 of dublin trilogy (the shadow of gunman, juno , paycock , plough , stars) in tenement houses in georgian dublin. in particular, shadow of gunman opens in return-room in tenement house in hilljoy square raided auxiliaries during play. room thought have been based on o casey s former tenement home. although original house demolished in 1960s, later replaced building georgian façade stands on site. o casey subsequently lived in georgian house close mountjoy square @ 422 north circular road; in house still stands today, wrote trilogy, before later moving london during nineteen twenties.
the sicilian marble statue of sir john gray, sculpted thomas farrell lived on mountjoy square, , erected in nearby o connell street in 1879.
the stuccadore michael stapleton, built 3 houses there, resident in square 1793 1795. stapleton subsequently moved house @ 1 mountjoy place, off south east corner of square. charles thorp, stuccadore developed 3 houses on east side, numbers 19 21, , recorded residing in number 19 in 1835 almanac registry directory. sculptor thomas farrell (1827–1900) lived in number 30, sited along east side of square. 2 of farrell s sculptures can seen on central median of nearby o connell street @ junction abbey street, statue on either side of luas tracks. padraig o faolain, irish painter, lived next kasbah on mountjoy square west in 1980s. irish radio presenter, journalist, former trinity college su president , student activist joe duffy born on mountjoy square in 1956.
much of john carney s 2007 feature film once won academy award year best original song filmed in apartment on mountjoy square east, female lead character, played marketa irglova, lives family. several scenes georgie s story, third episode of mark o halloran s award-winning television mini-series prosperity, screened on rtÉ in 2007, filmed in , around mountjoy square park.
the rock/pop band u2 used rehearse in squat on mountjoy square in late 1970s , photographed patrick brocklebank, published in dublin music scene , u2, 1978–81 .
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