Artistic career Chana Orloff

my son, 1924, tel aviv museum of art

in paris, orloff became friendly other young jewish artists, among them marc chagall, jacques lipchitz, amedeo modigliani, pascin, chaim soutine, , ossip zadkine. in 1913, exhibited in salon d automne. after establishment of state of israel, orloff began spending increasing amount of time there. tel aviv museum of art held exhibition of 37 of sculptures in 1949. remained in israel year in order complete sculpture of david ben-gurion, hero monument defenders of ein gev , motherhood monument in memory of chana tuckman died during israeli war of independence. in addition monuments, orloff sculpted portraits of israeli prime minister david ben-gurion , future prime minister levi eshkol; architects pierre chareau, , auguste perret; painters henri matisse, amedeo modigliani, pablo picasso, , per krohg; , poets hayyim nahman bialik, , pierre mac orlan.

orloff died in israel on december 16, 1968.


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