Aftermath Regina Cyclone
knox presbyterian church wrecked cyclone, north side of 12th avenue , lorne street, across victoria park
the city forced rendered homeless disaster pay nightly use of cots set in schools , city parks. required homeowners pay removal of rubble homes. debris cleaned quickly. storm damaged metropolitan methodist church, [the knox presbyterian church, first methodist,] library, ywca [and ymca], , numerous other downtown buildings; in warehouse district, destroyed many of storage buildings. cpr roundhouse stripped rafters, , boxcars pulled tracks , hurtled air.
regina houses damaged regina cyclone
damage tornado estimated f4 on fujita scale. tornado killed 28 people, injured hundreds, , left 2,500 people homeless, out of population of 30,213 (in 1911). around 500 buildings destroyed or damaged. property damage quantified @ $1.2 million cad, , forty years before $4.5 million cad private , public debt incurred rebuild , repair repaid.
the remaining souvenir of event different-coloured bricks on north wall of regina s knox-metropolitan united church (the building of pre-church union of 1925 metropolitan methodist), showing wall collapsed , rebuilt. knox presbyterian, metropolitan methodist , first baptist, being brick, rebuilt. knox , metropolitan both became united church in 1925, , merged congregations in 1951 , became knox-metropolitan church. knox building demolished.
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