Opposition to the archaeological establishment Pseudoarchaeology

pseudoarchaeologist robert bauval on views of academia (2000)

pseudoarchaeologists typically present being underdogs facing larger archaeological establishment. use language disparages academics , dismisses them being unadventurous, spending time in dusty libraries , refusing challenge orthodoxies of establishment lest lose jobs. in more extreme examples, pseudoarchaeologists have accused academic archaeologists of being members of widespread conspiracy hide truth history public. when academics challenge pseudoarchaeologists , criticise theories, many pseudoarchaeologists see further evidence own ideas right, , being suppressed members of academic conspiracy.

the prominent english archaeologist colin renfrew admitted archaeological establishment set in ways , resistant radical new ideas not reason why pseudoarchaeological theories outright rejected academics. garrett g. fagan expanded on this, noting how in academic archaeological community, new evidence or arguments have thoroughly scrutinised secure validity ... , longstanding, well-entrenched positions take considerable effort , particularly compelling data overturn. fagan noted pseudoarchaeological theories not have sufficient evidence them , allow them accepted professional archaeologists.

conversely, many pseudoarchaeologists, whilst criticising academic archaeological establishment, attempt support people academic credentials , affiliations. @ times, quote historical, , in cases dead academics arguments; instance prominent pseudoarchaeologist graham hancock, in seminal fingerprints of gods (1995), repeatedly notes eminent physicist albert einstein once commented positively on pole shift hypothesis, theory has been abandoned academic community hancock supports. fagan noted however, fact einstein physicist , not geologist not mentioned hancock, nor fact understanding of plate tectonics (which came disprove earth crustal displacement), came light following einstein s death.


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