Anti-immigration arguments Nativism (politics)
according fetzer (2000), opposition immigration commonly arises in many countries because of issues of national, cultural, , religious identity. phenomenon has been studied in australia, canada, new zealand, united kingdom, , united states, in europe. nativism has become general term opposition immigration based on fears immigrants distort or spoil existing cultural values. in situations immigrants outnumber original inhabitants, nativistic movements can allow cultural survival. claim immigrants can swamp local population related birth rate relative nationals. contemporary opponents of immigration blame such problems unemployment, crime (especially through gangs), harm environment, housing shortage, , overwhelming social services such hospitals, police.
anti-immigration sentiment typically justified 1 or more of following arguments , claims immigrants:
government expense: government expenses may exceed tax revenue relating new immigrants. economists find immigrants contribute more cost, since tend of working age.
language: isolate in own communities , refuse learn local language.
employment: acquire jobs have otherwise been available native citizens, depressing wages.
patriotism: damage sense of community , nationality.
environment: increase consumption of scarce resources; move low high pollution economy increases pollution
welfare: make heavy use of social welfare systems.
overpopulation: may overpopulate countries.
culture: can swamp native population , replace culture own.
housing: increase in housing costs: migrant families can reduce vacancies , cause rent increases.
^ joel s. fetzer, economic self-interest or cultural marginality? anti-immigration sentiment , nativist political movements in france, germany , usa, journal of ethnic , migration studies, volume 26, issue 1 january 2000, pp 5-23
^ d. groenfeldt, future of indigenous values: cultural relativism in face of economic development, futures volume 35, issue 9, november 2003, pp. 917–29
^ anbinder, (2006); barkan, (2003); betz, (2007); higham, (1955); lucassen, (2005); palmer, (1992); , schrag, (2010)
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