Children Criticism of Hamas

1 children

1.1 children , women human shields
1.2 children combatants
1.3 children s magazine
1.4 al-aqsa tv


children , women human shields

israel has accused hamas of using children human shields. israeli government released video footage in claims 2 militants shown grabbing young boy s arm behind holding him walk in front of them toward group of people waiting near wall. idf argues militants placing boy between , israeli sniper. second scene shows individual, described terrorist, grabbing school boy off of floor, hiding behind column idf fire, , using him human shield walk different location. after 15 alleged militants sought refuge in mosque israeli forces, bbc reported hamas radio instructed local women go mosque protect militants. 2 women later killed when israeli forces opened fire.

in november 2006, israeli air force warned muhammad weil baroud, commander of popular resistance committees accused of launching rockets israeli territory, evacuate home in jabalya refugee camp apartment block in advance of planned israeli air strike. baroud responded calling volunteers protect apartment block , nearby buildings and, according jerusalem post, hundreds of local residents, women , children, responded. israel suspended air strike. israel termed action example of hamas using human shields. in response incident, hamas proclaimed: won. on form human chains around every house threatened demolition. in november 22 press release, human rights watch condemned hamas, stating: there no excuse calling civilians scene of planned attack. whether or not home legitimate military target, knowingly asking civilians stand in harm s way unlawful. following criticism, human rights watch issued statement saying initial assessment of situation in error. stated that, on basis of available evidence, home demolition in fact administrative act, viewed in context of israel s longstanding policy of punitive home demolitions, not military act , not fall within purview of law regulating hostilities during armed conflict, had been basis initial criticism of hamas.

when un-sponsored goldstone commission report on gaza war commissioned in 2009, stated found no evidence palestinian combatants mingled civilian population intention of shielding attack though deemed credible reports palestinian militants not dressed in way distinguished them civilians . hamas mp fathi hamed stated palestinian people, death has become industry, @ women excel ... elderly excel @ ... , children. why have formed human shields of women, children. following release of goldstone report, former commander of british forces in afghanistan col. richard kemp invited testify @ un human rights council 12th special session during operation cast lead israel encountered enemy deliberately positioned military capability behind human shield of civilian population .

children combatants

the israeli government released video compiled arab news sources showing palestinian children under age of 15 going through military training , carrying , firing arms. video s narration explains hamas indoctrinates these child combatants , hamas operators send children on missions not risk own lives . according israeli government, children used spotters, transport explosives , weapons, sent play in areas deter israeli attacks , sent unknowingly explosive devices in schoolbags blown in vicinity of israelis. united nations defines use of children military purposes war crime , form of slavery. see military use of children.

although hamas admits sponsoring summer schools train teenagers in handling weapons condemn attacks children. following deaths of 3 teenagers during 2002 attack on netzarim in central gaza, hamas banned attacks children , called on teachers , religious leaders spread message of restraint among young boys . hamas s use of child labor build tunnels attack israel has been criticized, @ least 160 children killed in tunnels of 2012.

children s magazine

al-fateh ( conqueror ) hamas children s magazine, published biweekly in london, , posted in online website. began publication in september 2002, , 108th issue released in mid-september 2007. magazine features stories, poems, riddles, , puzzles, , states young builders of future .

according memri (three of 7 founding staff had formerly served in idf), magazine includes incitement jihad , martyrdom , glorification of terrorist operations , of planners , perpetrators. characterizations of jews murderers of prophets , laudatory descriptions of parents encourage sons kill jews. in each issue, regular feature titled story of martyr presents heroic deeds of mujahid 1 of organizations died in suicide operation, including operations against civilians, or killed idf. memri noted magazine includes illustrations of figures, including child warriors, embody ethos of jihad , martyrdom, presenting them role models. these include magazine s titular character, al-fateh ( conqueror )—a small boy on horse brandishing drawn scimitar—as children carrying guns, , photos of hamas fighters launching qassam rockets.

al-aqsa tv

al-aqsa tv television channel founded hamas. station began broadcasting in gaza strip on january 9, 2006. programming includes ideologically tinged children s shows, news talk, , religiously inspired entertainment. according anti-defamation league, station promotes terrorist activity , incites hatred of jews , israelis. hamas has stated television station independent media institution not express views of palestinian government headed ismail haniyeh or of hamas movement, , hamas not hold anti-semitic views. al-aqsa tv headed fathi ahmad hammad, chairman of al-ribat communications , artistic productions—a hamas-run company produces hamas s radio station, voice of al-aqsa, , biweekly newspaper, message.


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