Traditions Ohio State University Athletic Band
1 traditions
1.1 script on ice
1.2 st. john pep rally
1.3 spring football game
1.4 rotc pass-in-review , mirror lake concert
1.5 cedar point , spring trips
each fall, athletic band invited perform @ homecoming skull session marching band. showcases many talented musicians make both marching , athletic bands. athletic band arrives @ st. john arena before marching band, , plays several pieces fans in attendance. typically, ohio high school marching band present these skull sessions, , athletic band trades off performances high school band. performances of school songs , associated traditions show off common bonds both bands share, while diverse selection of music athletic band plays shows off differences marching band. while marching band required memorize show , stand music, , athletic band not, athletic band typically play far greater range of musical genres during event marching band @ typical football game.
the 2006 fall athletic band performs @ homecoming marching band skull session. varied instrumentation of athletic band seen clearly.
script on ice
script ohio first performed ohio state university marching band on october 24, 1936 @ ohio state versus university of pittsburgh football game. according ohio state university library, similar floating formation first performed during 1932 season university of michigan marching band; however, set-piece, instead of being formed in follow-the-leader style drill.
the script ohio identifiable trademark associated ohio state university marching , athletic bands. devised band director eugene j. weigel, based looped ohio script design on marquee sign of loew s ohio theatre in downtown columbus.
in 2000s (decade), athletic band directing staff, athletic department, realized wild popularity of script ohio. having been performed @ professional football games, world series game, , on deck of uss enterprise, athletic dept wanted bring longstanding tradition new audiences, , asked band staff if possible create script ohio on ice rink. directing staff decided try it, , instant hit created. members of athletic band put on ice cleats strapped march on ice between periods of men s hockey games, typically friday night osu vs. michigan or michigan state hockey game. because of dangers of marching on ice, script on ice highly modified marching band s counterpart. full athletic band, led 1 of marching band s drum majors, marches out onto ice through visiting team tunnel, @ tempo slower marching band s 180 beats per minute. band turns , faces home , visitor sides of arena, playing buckeye battle cry. after drum roll-off, band begins playing shortened version of le regiment de sambre et meuse. every 32 counts, section of block band breaks formation , marches shape of letters in trademark script ohio.
the script on ice completed traditional dotting of i. traditionally, ice dot reserved sousaphone players have never been in sousaphone section of marching band. rules ice dot relaxed compared marching band rules. in marching band, dotting honor reserved fourth , fifth year members of sousaphone section. because of this, fourth years guaranteed 1 dot, quite may multiple dots fourth , fifth years. in athletic band, ice dot eligibility based on seniority. once student dots ice, no longer eligible dot. routinely allows students may in second or third year of athletic band have ice dot. ice dot tradition varies on abilities of individual sousaphone player: sousaphone players attempt strut, traditional bow, play solo during sung portion of buckeye battle cry, however, ice dotters led place of honor drum major.
after completion of script on ice, band stands in place , performs short version of hang on, sloopy! , plays traditional marching cadence of both marching , athletic bands, , marches off ice.
as title of section suggests, athletic band not stop @ performing script ohio @ hockey games. script ohio s have been performed @ many other events, including in bottom of unfilled, olympic size swimming pool @ ohio state s mccorkle aquatic pavilion prior opening. in 2007, athletics asked if band willing perform script ohio on basketball court @ osu vs. wisconsin men s basketball game. because of limitations of court, not many students participate, wildly popular, , has been tradition performed @ both men s , women s basketball games.
in 2012, athletic band performed script on ice @ osu vs. michigan hockey game held @ progressive field in cleveland.
st. john pep rally
before spring football game, athletic band performs concert of pre-game , halftime music on grassy knoll outside of st. john arena. pep rally not designed pump fans of ohio state athletics, functions last-minute music rehearsal athletic band, in same fashion skull session operates football games , marching band. in 2008, athletics started adding men s lacrosse game before spring game chance break ncaa attendance record. while there not many opportunities band perform during lacrosse game, directors decided split band in half. half of band perform pep rally during first half of lacrosse game, , other half during second half of game. because of decision add lacrosse game directly before spring game, decided add pre-game , halftime show lacrosse game well. first lacrosse game played @ ohio stadium include pre-game , halftime show in 2008 when osu hosted u.s. air force academy.
spring football game
the spring football game has been ohio state tradition many years. pits football team against type of public practice, gets fans pumped upcoming football season. since days of military band, there has been band perform halftime show fans. every year, students studying marching band technique @ osu given chance write drill pre-game , halftime shows performed athletic band. students given chance arrange music halftime show well. since 2008, athletic band has performed pre-game , halftime shows twice: 1 time each lacrosse game, , 1 time each football game following. both pre-game , halftime shows require full music memorization, checked section leaders , directing staff. drill charts athletic band extensively modified on-the-fly since performer numbers not set. 1 spring may have 250 people, , following year may have 350. drill simpler of marching band, allowing fact rehearsal schedule twice week, opposed marching band, rehearses daily. musical selections have included latin, broadway, heavy metal, big band, etc. athletic band s show music varied marching band s.
rotc pass-in-review , mirror lake concert
in keeping long-standing traditions of military band athletic band stems, every may athletic band forms on oval , provides ceremonial , marching music rotc program s annual pass-in-review. ceremony done highly decorated military official can review troops. in rotc s case, opportunity family , friends see cadets , midshipmen publicly congratulated , rewarded year of hard mental , physical work. each year reviewing officer keynote speaker, , flag officer (o-7 or higher). athletic band s ceremonial functions include performance of several bugle calls, including adjutant s call, ruffles , flourishes presentation of flag officer, star spangled banner when colors presented commence program. marching music performed includes national emblem during color guard s marches presentation , placement of colors, stars , stripes forever close ceremony, , march pass-in-review itself. in past years both medley of armed forces songs has been played, le regiment de sambre et meuse. while typically associated marching band , script ohio, march national military march of france, , has been used in united states @ graduation ceremonies several military colleges, including west point. typically, upon closing of pass-in-review ceremony, rotc department provides refreshments athletic band, proceed on mirror lake amphitheater second performance of day - mirror lake concert. concert highlights osu school songs, popular tunes of year athletic band. many bystanders watching pass-in-review follow athletic band mirror lake concert, making diverse crowd.
cedar point , spring trips
each year, athletic band featured guest of cedar point amusement park in sandusky, ohio. athletic band performs opening ceremonies first day of regular season @ amusement park. invited enjoy park few hours before mid-day performance, , remainder of afternoon fun , entertainment. in past years, band has performed @ cleveland indians games, west virginia strawberry festival in buckhannon, wv, indianapolis 500 parade, , kentucky derby parade. these performances typically in spring, when marching band no longer rehearsing, leaving athletic band ambassadors of university around ohio , neighboring states.
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