Architecture Building of the Patriarchate

the front façade

the function of building influenced style. in project, lukomski adjusted bulky academism modernized serbo-byzantine revival style in own, free interpretation. solution original, complex , heterogeneous, needed satisfy conservative patrons. building has rectangular base , solidly , sturdy built.

national style observed in pyramidal structure of parts of building , step-like placement onto each other, arches , arched niches, consoles , details of decoration. academism can seen in disposition of base, layout of rooms, division of façade in 3 horizontal zones, regularly shaped openings, prominence of garlands divide sections of façade , strict use of backspace ornaments. modernist influence of day evident in simple , neutral surface of façade , characteristic rectangular windows on highest floor of side wings. due significant decline of terrain, entire neighborhood of kosančićev venac on mass-wasting prone slope of sava river, edifice has uneven number of floors on lateral, lengthwise sides.

the interior design, though representatively shaped, has austerity due function of building. basement , ground floor reserved various institutes of serbian orthodox church, offices, archives , premises of spiritual court. entire first floor constitutes quarters of patriarch. consists of patriarch s apartment, cabinet, chapel, library, dining room, reception hall , apartment guests. on second floor there working offices , halls sessions of various councils , synod. in largest hall there famous painting migration of serbs paja jovanović, hanging on wall. annex apartments ecclesial dignitaries leans on eastern block of edifice.

the front façade, facing cathedral church, marked massive portico decorated , arch-like portal. portal s prominence accentuated characteristic, deformed short columns, common , recognizable motif of church architecture projected russian émigré architects. 2 other distinctive objects on portal coat of arms , mosaic. relief coat of arms of patriarchate done sculptor vladimir zagorodnjuk , located above semicircular entrance. composition represents 2 angels crowning coat of arms episcopal mitre. on upper section of front façade, in niche above portal, there large, elongated mosaic representing john baptist. made on draft painter vladimir predojević.

when finished, building praised, both public , press, described imposing, magnificent edifice , simplified neo-byzantine style fits sacral area of belgrade .


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