Species Metaborborus

^ vanschuytbroeck, p. (1948). sphaeroceridae (diptera, acalyptratae) . exploration du parc national albert, mission g. f. de witte (1933-35). 52: 1–43. 
^ vanschuytbroeck, p. (1959). sphaerocerinae, limosinae, ceropterinae (diptera, ephydroidea) . parc national de la garamba, mission h. de saeger (1949-52), bruxelles. 17 (2): 15–85. 
^ norrbom, a. l.; kim, k. c. (1985). taxonomy , phylogenetic relationships of copromyza fallen (s.s.) (diptera: sphaeroceridae) . annals of entomological society of america. 78: 331–347. 
^ hackman, w. (1965). diptera (brachycera): sphaeroceridae (borboridae) . south african animal life, lund. 11: 485–503. 
^ duda, oswald (1923). revision der altweltlichen arten der gattung borborus (cypsela) meigen (dipteren) . archiv f ̧r naturgeschichte, berlin, abteilung a. 89 (4): 35–112. 
^ cite error: named reference papp1980 invoked never defined (see page).


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