Electrophysiology Cardiology diagnostic tests and procedures

1 electrophysiology

1.1 electrocardiogram
1.2 holter monitor
1.3 event monitor
1.4 cardiac stress testing
1.5 electrophysiology study


electrocardiography (ecg/ekg in german vernacular. elektrokardiogram) monitors electrical activity of heart, recorded skin surface. 12 lead recording, recording electrical activity in 3 planes, anterior, posterior, , lateral commonly used form. ecg allows observation of heart electrical activity visualizing waveform beat origin (typically sinoatrial or sa node) following down bundle of , stimulating ventricles contract forcing blood through body. can learned observing qrs morphology (named respective portions of polarization/repolarization waveform of wave, p,q,r,s,t wave). rhythm abnormalities can visualized in slow heart rate bradycardia, or fast heart rate tachycardia.

holter monitor

a holter monitor records continuous ekg rhythm pattern (rarely full ekg) 24 hours or more. these monitors used suspected frequent rhythm abnormalities, ones wearer may not recognize symptoms. more expensive event monitors.

event monitor

an event monitor records short term ekg rhythm patterns, storing last 2 5 minutes, adding in new , discarding old data, 1 2 weeks or more. there several different types different capabilities. when wearer presses button on monitor, quits discarding old , continues recording short additional period. wearer plays recording, via standard phone connection, center compatible receiving , rhythm printing equipment, after monitor ready record again. these monitors used suspected infrequent rhythm abnormalities, ones wearer recognize symptoms. less expensive holter monitors.

cardiac stress testing

cardiac stress testing used determine assess cardiac function , disclose evidence of exertion-related cardiac hypoxia. radionuclide testing using thallium or technetium can used demonstrate areas of perfusion abnormalities. maximal stress test level of exercise increased until patient heart rate not increase higher, despite increased exercise. accurate estimate of target heart rate, based on extensive clinical research, can estimated formula 220 beats per minute minus patient s age. linear relation accurate age 30, after mildly underestimates typical maximum attainable heart rates achievable healthy individuals. other formulas exist, such miller (217 - (0.85 × age)) , others [1]. achieving high enough heart rate @ end of exercise critical improving sensitivity of test detect high grade heart artery stenosis.

electrophysiology study

the electrophysiology study or ep study end of electrophysiological tests of heart. involves catheter electrodes probing endocardium, inside of heart, , testing conduction pathways , electrical activity of individual areas of heart.


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