Evolution Sphecomyrma
original hypothetical cladogram showing placement of sphecomyrma, tiphiid wasps potential ancestor
ants of genus considered primitive within family formicidae. body presents wasp-like structure several ant-like characteristics. these ant-like characteristics, however, primitive compared more modern ants, , intermediate other primitive ants , aculeate wasps. presence of metapleural gland, nodiform (a structure resembling node, segment found between mesosoma , gaster, bulbous posterior portion of metasoma), structure of petiole , general physical appearance of ant concludes sphecomyrma species ants rather wasps; absence of metapleural gland mean wasp instead of ant. not known group of wasps descendants of sphecomyrma, members of family tiphiidae, particularly in genus methocha strikingly similar sphecomyrma. wilson placed genus closest tiphiidae among extant wasps, later study published in 1975 derives ants later clade , not tiphiidae.
sphecomyrma may hold close relationship extant primitive ants. australian dinosaur ant (nothomyrmecia macrops) recognised primitive living ant today, , both ants closely resemble each other. eocene genera of aneuretini resemble sphecomyrma ants, believed ancestors of dolichoderinae. subfamily myrmeciinae thought ancestor of aneuretini because elongated mandibles (a well-known feature in myrmeciinae ants), considered primitive , short mandibles derived. theory proven false after sphecomyrma specimens had small mandibles. currently, phylogenetic analyses recognise sphecomyrma sister group modern living ants, meaning stem-group formicid. means more closely related ants in contrast other organism, crown-group formicids (as in recent common ancestor of modern ants , descendants) more closely related each other , distantly related sphecomyrma. end of mesozoic, sphecomyrmines including these ants vanished.
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